Emons Slovakia ponúka vysokokvalitné pozemné dopravné a logistické služby. Zameriavame sa na paletovú prepravu, prepravu dlhých a inak atypických tovarov v rámci zbernej služby v sieti vlastných pobočiek. Na slovenskom trhu pôsobíme už tretí rok. Komplexnú logistiku riešime službami s pridanou hodnotou. Denne jazdíme do Českej republiky, Rakúska a Nemecka – odtiaľ máme spojenie do celej Európy.
Nájdete nás v Bratislave, Martine a čoskoro i v Košiciach.
Emons Slovakia offers high quality ground transportation and logistics services. We target pallet transport, transport of long and otherwise atypical goods in collection service within our own network of branches. We have been on the Slovak market for the third year. We have been operating on the Slovak market for the third year. We solve complex logistics with value-added services. We drive daily to the Czech Republic, Austria and Germany – from there we have connections to the whole of Europe.
You can find us in Bratislava, Martin and soon also in Košice.