18th logistics congress SLOVLOG, November 27–28, 2025

Ivan Moderdovský, PRINTEC Slovakia

cluster general manager CE

Ivan Moderdovský, PRINTEC Slovakia

cluster general manager CE

Ivan Moderdovsky graduated from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science of the Slovak University of Technology in the Department of Automation in 1999. He has been working at PRINTEC since 2011, where he started as an account manager, then as the head of the SW development department and the manager of the Slovak branch. At present, he works as the managing director of PRINTEC for the region of Central Europe, which covers Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Hungary and Austria. Počas tohto pôsobenia mal na starosti rôzne inovatívne projekty pre najvýznamnejších zákazníkov z oblasti bankovníctva, financií a retailu. During this time, he was in charge of various innovative projects for the most important customers in the field of banking, finance and retail.