“This is my first time here, but it’s one of the best conferences I’ve been to this year. I really enjoyed the AI debate and the HR roundtable, which was the most beneficial for me. As we are struggling with staff shortages, recruiting third country nationals could definitely be a topic, how to prepare, how to approach it and what are the pros and cons.”
“I really liked the mix of companies that participated. We had the opportunity to meet representatives of interesting companies and for potential future cooperation. I would have perhaps welcomed topics related to shipping and air freight, as that is what I am most involved in.”
“I found the Slovlog meetings very pleasant. I have attended for the third time and it has always been very enjoyable. From the panel discussions we learned a lot about automation and robotics and broadened our horizons in the logistics sphere. I cover the customs services agenda, so I would welcome information on customs declarations, the provision of customs services and how to improve them, which distribution centres can provide them and what it involves.”
“Our interest as a partner company is mainly to gain contacts, either with new customers or to improve contacts with existing ones. Our intention was to meet as many people as possible in one place, and we have succeeded in doing that, because there are few events that have so many people from our line of business who we can reach and who are beneficial to us. From our company’s point of view, topics in the field of safety in logistics, warehouse automation and so on would be interesting. A lot of the topics are related to ecology, which is of course also very important, but we would appreciate more topics in the area of security.”
“Today was full of interesting panel discussions and lectures. I was most interested in the lecture on the connection between logistics and artificial intelligence, whether artificial intelligence will ever replace us or whether it is something we can use as a tool to solve situations more efficiently. Also interesting were the discussions about whether people, who are not in abundance in the market, will be replaced by these resources. This topic is also at the forefront from our point of view. We are a supplier of interim consultants, so it would be good to do outreach in this area and bring in a consultant who goes from project to project and can present the solutions they brought to the participants. To deepen this topic into logistics and describe what managers and people in leadership positions face. Maybe suggestions for improvement and case studies of whether it is being implemented. At the same time, we are also interested in the topic of automation.”
“This is my first year at Slovlog and it is a very pleasant surprise for me. I can imagine that it will become an annual tradition for our company. Participation has brought us a lot of contacts, we have heard many interesting discussions on various topics. In my opinion, everything was very well organised. From our experience, I know that the biggest problem we have is finding warehousemen, so I would definitely devote more space to this topic. There is a shortage of warehousemen, few of them are qualified, and even when they do come, they usually leave very quickly. Another topic is definitely the initiative of new well-trained drivers who will be of good quality and will do their job to the best of their ability.”
„Na kongrese Slovlog som prvýkrát, aj keď spoločnosť ATOZ poznáme už niekoľko rokov. Keďže naša spoločnosť pôsobí v potravinárstve, navštevovali sme najmä kongres Samoška. Som veľmi rád, že som bol aj na konferencii Slovlog, spoznal som nových potencionálnych partnerov, ktorí sa zaoberajú logistikou. Z prednášok som sa dozvedel o výzvach, ktoré logistiku čakajú, ako je napríklad automatizácia a využitie umelej inteligencie. Nad týmito témami sa budeme musieť zamyslieť aj my a hľadať prieniky aj s našim biznisom. CBA Verex je regionálna spoločnosť, ktorá pôsobí v oblasti Liptova a Oravy. Boli sme naučení robiť tak, ako kedysi, čiže ručne a manuálne. Ale trendy idú dopredu a chceli by sme sa dozvedieť viac o možnostiach automatizácie práve v našom segmente potravinárstva. Pri položkách, ktoré máme v našom sklade je veľmi náročné skĺbiť automatizáciu s veľmi dôležitým dátumom minimálnej trvanlivosti. Takže témy z tejto oblasti by pre nás boli veľkým prínosom.“
„Dnešný kongres bol v prvom rade veľmi dobre zorganizovaný, bol prehľadný, nebol v ňom chaos. Všetky prednášky boli veľmi dobre moderované a uvádzané. Zaujala ma najmä prednáška o ESG a nárokoch Európskej únie na firmy v tejto oblasti. Vzhľadom na to, že zastupujem firmu, ktorá prepravuje sypké materiály, ako je pšenica a ovos, posypová soľ a hnojivá, tak by som bol rád, ak by na budúcom kongrese bolo zastúpených viac firiem ponúkajúcich sypké materiály, ako sú poľnohospodári, alebo výrobcovia iných produktov, ktoré by sme mohli prepravovať.“
We look forward to seeing you at the next, already 18th SLOVLOG Congress, which will take place on 27-28 November 2025. Please save, date of the new year in your calendar.