18th logistics congress SLOVLOG, November 27–28, 2025

Panel discussion: Beyond AI – Human value in the logistics of the future

Panel discussion: Beyond AI – Human value in the logistics of the future

The world of logistics is waking up to a new era defined by automation, robotics, and artificial intelligence. These revolutionary trends bring the promise of unprecedented efficiency and optimization, but they also raise a disturbing question: What is the future of humans in this ongoing upheaval? Are we facing the demise of logistics jobs, or will humans become key strategists in this more dynamic and sophisticated environment? If so, what skills and competencies will they need most in the future? Will the majesty of the human in logistics last much longer, and will it ever end? Views on these and other questions will be heard exclusively in a morning panel discussion with leading representatives of providers and users of logistics services and products.

Debatu bude moderovat Tatiana Koššová, country manager SK společnosti ATOZ Group.