18th logistics congress SLOVLOG, November 27–28, 2025

Peter Molnár, Ernst & Young Slovensko

manager in sustainability services

Peter Molnár, Ernst & Young Slovensko

manager in sustainability services

Peter is a Manager in Climate Change and Sustainability Services at EY Slovakia. He leads one of the leading sustainability advisory practices in Slovakia and is an expert in sustainability reporting, green finance and assurance over ESG information. With years of experience in consulting, sustainability and auditing, he was also responsible for part of the training program for statutory auditors in Slovakia as part of the ESG audit licensing process. Peter was responsible for training sessions focusing on the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), double materiality assessment processes and more. In addition to managing client projects, Peter is currently leading the integration of Denkstatt’s environmental experts into EY and is a member of the global EY group to develop a methodology for stakeholder dialogue in the dual materiality assessment process. He is a member of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants (ACCA) in the UK.