18th logistics congress SLOVLOG, November 27–28, 2025

Lucia Nemček, Česmad Slovakia

secretary general

Lucia Nemček, Česmad Slovakia

secretary general

Mgr. Lucia Nemček is a graduate of the Institute of European Studies and International Relations, Faculty of Social and Economic Sciences, Comenius University in Bratislava. Prior to joining the association ČESMAD Slovakia, she held the position of Director General of the European Affairs and International Relations Section of the Ministry of Transport of the Slovak Republic (MoT SR). As a diplomat (attaché) in the Transport and Telecommunications Department at the Permanent Representation of the Slovak Republic to the European Union (MZVEZ SR) in Brussels, she participated in the preparation and subsequent performance of the Slovak Presidency of the Council of the EU, she also served as Vice-Chairwoman of the Council of the EU Working Party on Land Transport.