18th logistics congress SLOVLOG, November 27–28, 2025

Lenka Buchláková, TA3


Lenka Buchláková, TA3


Lenka Buchláková is a graduate of the Pan-European University in Bratislava. In 2016, she received a diploma in international relations and diplomacy at the Geneva School of Diplomacy and International Relations and in international and European studies at the University of Cambridge in Great Britain, and in 2020 a diploma from the Université de Genéve, in the field of economics and management.

She came to TA3 from the financial sector. As an analyst, she worked for Slovenská sporiteľňa or financial intermediary, where she mainly focused on digital and consumer topics. She was one of the most cited banking and financial analysts in Slovakia. Before that, she worked for more than 11 years in the media – she wrote for the newspaper Hospodárske noviny, Pravda, radio Aktual and also for several local television stations.