17th logistics congress SLOVLOG, November 28–29, 2024

The human factor in the AI era: What role do we play in modern logistics?

The human factor in the AI era: What role do we play in modern logistics?

Automation and artificial intelligence are fundamentally changing the face of logistics, affecting not only the processes themselves, but also the people who work in the industry. Thanks to new technologies, warehousing, transport and distribution are being optimised, leading to faster and more efficient operations. AI-based systems can analyse huge amounts of data in real time, predict demand or optimise delivery routes, minimising errors and maximising efficiency. However, all of this means that traditional logistics jobs are undergoing a significant transformation.

In this presentation, we will learn how technology and processes will change logistics, what the new competencies are for logistics managers, what the new competencies are for logistics workers, and how to prepare for these changes.