17th logistics congress SLOVLOG, November 28–29, 2024

Returnable packaging as a better way to package, transport and store automotive components

Returnable packaging as a better way to package, transport and store automotive components

Corplex Slovakia designs, manufactures and recycles returnable packaging for many industries. Using the example of an implemented project in the Lear automotive company, it will show how returnable packaging can influence the economics, ergonomics and ecology of logistics and production processes. Traditional industries have been familiar with returnable packaging for several years. However, their manufacturers do not always have or provide options on how to modify the packaging and how to dispose of the packaging after its useful life. By closing the material flows between the manufacturer-recycler and its customers – the packaging customers – there is the potential to save material resources, dramatically reduce the cost of packaging materials for companies and reduce the CO2e produced in the packaging sector. The project to develop returnable packaging as a replacement for the original disposable packaging has brought with it a number of challenges. Overcoming them gradually resulted in an innovative packaging solution. This has had a positive impact on the cost-effectiveness of packaging, ergonomics and occupational safety, quality, and the reduction of the amount of waste produced from disposable packaging.