17th logistics congress SLOVLOG, November 28–29, 2024

Returnable packaging as a better way to package, transport, and store automotive components

Returnable packaging as a better way to package, transport, and store automotive components

The project implemented at Lear demonstrates how returnable packaging can improve the economics, ergonomics and ecology of logistics and production processes. Traditional industries have been using returnable packaging for several years, but manufacturers often do not provide options for reprocessing the packaging or reusing it at the end of its useful life. Collaboration between the manufacturer-recycler and its customers creates an opportunity to save material resources, significantly reduce packaging material costs and reduce CO2 emissions. The project to develop returnable packaging as a substitute for disposable packaging presented several challenges that were gradually overcome by innovative packaging solutions. This had a positive impact on packaging cost efficiency, ergonomics and occupational safety, quality and reduction of single-use packaging waste. Corplex Slovakia designs, manufactures and recycles returnable packaging for many industries.